winter anime 2024 winter squash The Winter 2024 Anime Season introduced a variety of stellar brand-new shows, such as Solo Leveling, which blew fan expectations out of the water. Some anime stood out for their stellar writing and interesting premises, including the animated adaptation of Eiichiro Oda's Monsters
that winter the wind blows “That Winter, The Wind Blows” is a 2013 South Korean drama series written by No Hee Kyung and directed by Kim Kyu Tae, who worked together on the 2008 drama “Worlds Within.” The new drama is based on the 2002 Japanese drama “I Don’t Need Love, Summer,” which was adapted into a 2006 South Korean film “Love Me Not.”
tech winter indonesia Pada periode tech winter, terjadi penurunan minat dan investasi di sektor teknologi. Kondisi ini berbeda dengan sepuluh tahun lalu saat investor bersaing untuk terlibat dalam inovasi. Lantas apa yang dimaksud dengan tech winter? Apa saja dampak tech winter yang dapat melanda startup di Indonesia?