what is a clause how to make a channel on whatsapp These clauses ensure that sellers retain ownership of goods until certain obligations—usually full payment—are met by the buyer. What Is a Retention of Title Clause? A Retention of Title clause is a contractual provision allowing the seller to retain ownership of goods until the buyer has fulfilled specific obligations, most commonly payment
what a view artinya POV adalah singkatan dari Point of Views alias sudut pandang. Bila diterapkan di TikTok, POV berarti sudut pengambilan gambar atau video yang dibuat agar penonton bisa lebih mudah memahami posisi seseorang dalam video
what is a leap year Mars, for example, has more leap years than regular years! A year on Mars is 668 sols, or Martian days. However, it takes 668.6 sols for Mars to go around the Sun. So, you would sometimes have to add a sol to help the calendar catch up. In a 10 year period, four of the years would have 668 sols and six of the years would be leap years with 669