what a girl wants manga what is a hamster At the start of Kashimashi, a young high school boy named Hazumu Osaragi declares his love to classmate and close friend Yasuna Kamiizumi, but she quickly rejects him. Dejected, Hazumu climbs Mt. Kashima and is killed when an alien spacecraft accidentally crash lands on him
what is a pronoun Pronouns – such as he/him, she/her, and they/them – are key to how individuals express themselves and relate to their friends and family. For members of the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly those who are transgender, nonbinary, or those who don’t feel settled in any particular gender, correct pronoun use is the biggest way to show them respect
how to make a channel on whatsapp Creating a WhatsApp Channel. To create a channel on WhatsApp, you need to follow these simple steps: Open WhatsApp: Open the WhatsApp app on your mobile device. Go to Chats: Tap on the "Chats" icon or swipe right to access your chat list. Create a Channel: Tap on the "+" icon next to the "Chats" icon to create a new channel