valorant master madrid valorant champions tour البداية المثالية لهذا العام جاءت مع بطولة Masters Madrid، التي سجلت رقماً قياسياً للمشاهدات بواقع 3.1 مليون مشاهد في ذروة متابعتها، مما جعلها أكثر البطولات مشاهدة في تاريخ VCT حتى ذلك الحين
valorant champions 2024 schedule Campeões internacionais de VALORANT em 2024. VALORANT Champions: Campeão: EDward Gaming China Premiação: US$ 2.250.000 cerca de R$ 11,25 milhões VCT Masters Shanghai: Campeão: Gen.G APAC Premiação: US$ 1.000.000 cerca de R$ 5 milhões VCT Masters Madrid: Campeão: Sentinels NA Premiação: US$ 500.000 cerca de R$ 2,5 milhões
valorant masters madrid LEC will take place in Madrid, Spain, in April 2025. The LEC will be in Madrid for the Spring 2025 season. The announcement came courtesy of Movistar KO, one of the most popular esports clubs in Spain. The organization has collaborated with the MAD Lions to participate in LoL esports events