toni kroos piala dunia 2014 antoni mu Toni Kroos adalah satu-satunya pemain yang lahir di lokasi yang dulunya merupakan wilayah Jerman Timur, dan berhasil memenangi Piala Dunia 2014 di Brasil. Kroos, yang tumbuh di Griefswald, sekitar 80 kilometer dari perbatasan Polandia, memegang penghargaaan sebagai satu-satunya pemain yang lahir di wilayah DDR atau Republik Demokrasi Jerman
a minor pentatonic scale guitar Had my first free lesson with a local instructor who has been a pro musician for forty years. We didn’t play any songs, he didn’t get me to demo where I’m at. He went into talking about scales which I already know three positions of the major and two of pentatonic. He said I needed to learn the diatonics and has given me a print out of each 7th chord in the C major scale and told me to
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