take a chance with me makna lagu niki take a chance with me makna Kejujuran Maudy yang lebih dewasa juga turut tertuang pada lagu-lagu dari album “Pada Suatu Hari.” “Aku dulu merasa belum memiliki banyak sense untuk berekspresi sepenuhnya dengan musik. Jadi itu proses yang lama sekali untuk akhirnya menemukan jati diri dan artinya kejujuran dalam bermusik lewat album ini
take a breath Breath of Fire: This one is energizing! Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Take a few deep breaths. Then, begin to pump your belly rapidly, exhaling forcefully through your nose. This might feel strange at first, so start slowly and build up speed. Lion's Breath: Take a deep inhale through your nose. Then, open your mouth wide, stick out
take a break After lots of time and practice, I began to take frequent breaks from my sport to come back stronger and ready to reach my goals. The same thing goes for academics – this is why we need to have multiple breaks throughout the school year. Taking breaks also improves mood and emotional resilience, while also enhancing energy levels frequently