sloth hewan sloth bear The cheetah Acinonyx jubatus is a large cat and the fastest land animal. It has a tawny to creamy white or pale buff fur that is marked with evenly spaced, solid black spots. The head is small and rounded, with a short snout and black tear-like facial streaks
sloth animal Learn about the evolution, behaviour, and ecology of sloths, the world's laziest animals. Discover how sloths are related to avocados, swim faster than they walk, and have algae and fungi growing in their fur
sloth adalah - Kungkang atau sloth adalah hewan yang hidup di puncak pohon hutan tropis Amerika Tengah dan Selatan. Mereka dikenal sebagai hewan pemalas karena terlihat lesu dan lamban. Umumnya hidup menyendiri dan berpindah dari pohon ke pohon menggunakan tanaman merambat