sloth artinya slothqq Bagaimana Anda menerjemahkan "sloth" menjadi Indonesia: kemalasan, kukang, kungkang. Contoh kalimat: Mama sloth bear is keeping her cubs cool, rehydrating them with her saliva. ↔ Induk beruang yang malas ini menjaga anaknya tetap dingin, merehidrasi mereka dengan air liur nya
viktor sloth Born out of the Danish soil, Viktor Sloth captures the world through a kaleidoscope of lenses as a visionary director, photographer, and visual artist. With a boundless curiosity, Viktor turns the globe into his office, crafting fashion and lifestyle films that meld the digital and analog realms with a taste for the abstract and unforeseen
sloth cartoon Browse over 30,000 royalty-free images of sloth cartoon uploaded by the Pixabay community. Find cute, lazy, funny and nature sloth cartoons for your next project