sloth animal sloth animal Learn about sloths, the slow-moving tree-dwellers of Central and South America, and their habitats, threats and conservation efforts. WWF works to protect rain forests and sloth populations through sustainable forestry and protected areas
sloth bear Sloth bears are unique amongst bears in that the majority of their diet is composed of insects, particularly termites and ants 5. Breaking open a termite mound with its strong front claws, the sloth bear then inserts its muzzle and blow away earth and dust before sucking the termites into its mouth
sloth adalah - Kungkang adalah hewan mamalia arboreal yang berasal dari Hutan Hujan Amerika Selatan. Nama kungkang atau sloth berasal dari ciri khasnya yang selalu bergerak lambat. Dengan lengan panjang dan tubuh berbulu, mereka menyerupai monyet, tetapi kungkang sebenarnya berkerabat dengan armadillo dan trenggiling