sinopsis a good day to be a dog sinopsis film dilan 1990 Synopsis: Leonardo a 74-year-old lizard and Squirtle his equally old turtle friend have spent their entire lives in a terrarium in a school classroom. One day, the class pets are taken to students’ homes, where they reveal their true potential!
sinopsis film a beautiful mind A Beautiful Mind An amazing mind in Spain is an American dramatic film from the year 2001. The film narrates the first years of life of a young mathematical genius called John Nash Rossell Crowe, who begins to develop a paranoid type schizophrenia and suffer delusions, which brings problems to their social environment
amidst a snowstorm of love sinopsis - Last Christmas 2019 adalah film romantis bertema liburan yang menghadirkan kisah penuh emosi tentang kehidupan, cinta, dan penebusan.Dengan nuansa Natal yang hangat, film ini menggabungkan komedi, drama, dan sentuhan musik ikonik George Michael untuk menciptakan pengalaman menonton yang menyentuh hati