once upon a time artinya once a thief The first Frozen film played a factor in the fourth season of Once Upon a Time, a series produced by Disney-owned ABC Studios
once upon a boyhood tayang dimana Film Netflix terbaru ini menampilkan alur cerita penuh aksi yang berawal ketika sepasang suami-istri penambang besi, Li Kung dan Ah Ni, menemukan orang asing yang terluka parah di sekitar desanya. Orang tersebut bernama Thaddeus. Ia kemudian diberikan perlindungan oleh Li Kung dan Ah Ni
once upon a deadpool Deadpool battles his zombie self alongside his other zombie self before getting drawn into extradimensional space by a universal elder called The Contemplator. Prelude to the Deadpool Corps #1-4 by Gischler and Rob Liefeld explains the origins of each Deadpool's origin story. Issue #5 is visually jarring but hints at The Contemplator's intentions