mewing transformation tengkorak mewing Through repositioning the tongue, aligning the jaw, and maintaining proper oral posture, individuals can achieve a more attractive and healthier facial appearance. Beyond aesthetic improvements, mewing also holds potential health benefits such as reduced snoring and improved breathing
what is mewing Mewing is a technique that involves positioning the tongue against the roof of the mouth and breathing through the nose to improve facial and dental alignment. Learn how to mew properly, what are the benefits and evidence of mewing, and see before and after photos
cara mewing Mewing adalah teknik latihan wajah yang bertujuan untuk meratakan dan mengencangkan struktur wajah dengan cara mengatur postur lidah dan rahang dalam posisi yang benar. Teknik ini diyakini dapat membentuk rahang yang lebih tajam, meningkatkan postur tubuh, dan mengurangi masalah pernafasan