mewing artinya dalam bahasa gaul mewing gum "Mewing" diyakini dapat memperbaiki dan mempertegas garis rahang, sehingga wajah terlihat lebih tirus. Selain itu, teknik "Mewing" juga diyakini dapat membantu mengatasi sleep apnea dan mengurangi masalah ngorok. Demikianlah penjelasan tentang apa itu "Mewing" dalam Bahasa Gaul yang sedang viral saat ini. Semoga bermanfaat!
mewing meaning Mewing, a technique in which the tongue is placed on the roof of the mouth, is purported to make the jaw more square, enhance facial structure, improve sleep, and reduce mouth breathing. Some even claim that mewing can treat speech disorders, jaw pain, and sinusitis. The mewing technique has received a lot of attention on social media
trend mewing According to Teresa, though, mewing has evolved from a face-shaping trend to a non-verbal, dismissive gesture. The action consists of a shushing motion followed by pointing to your jawline