make a logo with ai bookmaker Feel free to customize your logo design with other AI-powered tools and features, such as expanding or inpainting, to aid your design visually. For example, if you want to create a transparent logo design for versatile case use, choose the “Remove background” feature and enjoy your logo background automatically removed in seconds
make a call Gemini, Google's AI assistant, is getting a new feature aimed at making calls and texts easier to manage.You'll soon be able to make a call or send a text without unlocking your phone, thanks to
how to make a scrapbook Photo Albums or Scrapbooks. A thoughtful and sentimental gift, a photo album or scrapbook allows you to preserve cherished memories. Collect photos from past holidays, vacations, or important moments and create a personalized scrapbook. Include little mementos like ticket stubs, postcards, and handwritten notes