lyrics die with a smile die with a smile lyrics bruno mars Lady GagaBruno Mars / Die With A Smile 客演での大ヒット請負人ことBruno MarsとLady Gagaのコラボ曲。 カウボーイハット被ったブルーノマーズとタバコを吹かしながらピアノを弾くレディガガという明らかにイケすぎてる2人のビジュアルが最高なのはもちろんだけど、曲全体のシンプルな味付けも良い
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lyrics birds of a feather "Birds of a Feather" - Billie Eilish While some of Elish's songs this year were more sexual "Lunch," "Guess", on "Birds of a Feather," she shows how romantic she can be