ll/a iphone mana ll/a iphone mana iPhone iBox yang resmi untuk pasar Indonesia memiliki kode berakhiran ID/A, yang menunjukkan perangkat tersebut diproduksi dan didistribusikan untuk pasar lokal Indonesia. iPhone Inter memiliki kode yang beragam, tergantung pada negara asalnya. Misalnya: LL/A: Pasar Amerika Serikat. ZP/A: Pasar Hong Kong. PA/A: Pasar Singapura
model number iphone ll/a iOS runs on various different models of devices. This page is used to give an overview of the different model numbers or "M" numbers used by devices. The model number of your device is located in the Settings app on the "General - About" screen under "Model"
imei ll/a You’ll see a list of information about your iPhone, including the IMEI. Step 3: Tap on "IMEI" Look for the "IMEI" option and tap on it. You’ll see a list of information about your iPhone, including the IMEI. Step 4: Check the IMEI. The IMEI is displayed on the screen. Take note of the IMEI number. Important Notes: