life could be a dream psikotes bri life The song presents an optimistic vision of a world where love and possibility coexist, urging listeners to embrace their dreams as a way to navigate through life's challenges. It blends elements of fantasy with romance, encouraging the notion that believing in a brighter future can lead to personal fulfillment and connection
better man westlife To help realize Pharrell’s animated vision, Neville says he ended up making the film twice. “Before doing the animation, we wrote the film, did the interviews and got the music footage and
life better on saturn artinya “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Berjalan dengan seorang teman dalam gelap lebih baik daripada berjalan sendirian dalam cahaya. – Helen Keller “Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.” Kebahagiaan bukanlah tujuan; melainkan produk sampingan.