kalender hk kalender persib The theme for the 2025 calendar includes twelve months of imagery, with seven months dedicated to the representation of firefighters and paramedics. Notably, three firefighters and one paramedic prominently display their toned physiques, while another personnel member is depicted using a radio, illustrating the close-knit collaboration required
kalender barcelona La plantilla del Barça de bàsquet / Foto: FC Barcelona El Saragossa , fora de casa, serà el preludi d'una nova doble jornada internacional. I, altrament, una nova tornada al Palau: Šarūnas Jasikevičius i el seu líder Fenerbaç he seran un rival duríssim per als de Punter i companyia, que viatjaran el divendres 20 a Itàlia per enfrontar
kalender liverpool Import fixtures for your favourite team in the Premier League in your digital calendar! Scheduling changes and live scores will be applied automatically. Includes European leagues, domestic cups and play offs