IPHONE KODE LL/A:Models - The Apple Wiki

iphone kode ll/a   kode iphone sa/a bagus tidak For example, let's say our model number is " MC922LL/A ". The first letter is already " M ", so we leave it alone. Next, we remove the "region" portion and everything after the " LL/A " at the end leaving us with " MC922 ". A "find-in-page" reveals this is a black 16 GiB iPhone 4S

kode iphone ll/a ibox atau inter For example, let's say our model number is " MC922LL/A ". The first letter is already " M ", so we leave it alone. Next, we remove the "region" portion and everything after the " LL/A " at the end leaving us with " MC922 ". A "find-in-page" reveals this is a black 16 GiB iPhone 4S

demo unit iphone Status Terkini iPhone 16 di Indonesia Masuknya 11.000 Unit iPhone 16. Per November 2024, tercatat 11.000 unit iPhone 16 telah masuk ke Indonesia melalui berbagai jalur. Pemerintah, melalui Bea Cukai, menerapkan pengawasan ketat terhadap perangkat yang masuk, terutama melalui jalur barang bawaan penumpang

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