icd 10 hepatitis a icd 10 diabetes The diseases outcomes were defined by the International Classification of Diseases-Tenth Revision codes ICD-10 Table S1. Specifically, in UK Biobank, the ICD-10 codes for liver diseases were B18.x, C22.x, K70.x–K77.x, and Z94.4
kode icd 10 diabetes melitus tipe 2 Diabetes melitus, sedang hamil: target gula darah 2 jam post-prandial 120 mg/dL ; Diabetes melitus gestasional*: target gula darah 2 jam post-prandial 120 mg/dL *Diabetes Melitus Gestasional: diabetes yang terjadi selama masa kehamilan hingga proses persalinan. Gula darah akan kembali normal setelah melahirkan namun berisiko mengalami
diabetes mellitus icd 10 E10.A1 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, Stage 1 . Multiple confirmed islet autoantibodies with normoglycemia . E10.A2 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, Stage 2 . Confirmed islet autoimmunity with dysglycemia . A new family of codes for hypoglycemia were added to ICD 10 CM for 2025. The new codes identify this diagnosis by