icd 10 diabetes tipe 2 icd 10 diabetes Mayoritas penderita diabetes tipe 2 di Indonesia berusia antara 20-59 tahun, sebanyak 19,5 juta orang. Menurut World Health Organization WHO, jumlah penderita diabetes tipe 2 di Indonesia diperkirakan akan meningkat signifikan menjadi 16,7 juta pada tahun 2045
kode icd 10 diabetes melitus tipe 2 There were 252 new codes added, 36 code deletions, and 13 code revisions effective October 1, 2024. Some of these changes involved ICD-10-CM coding for diabetes. Until October 1, 2024, the diabetes code stems E08-, E09-, E11-, E13- all carried with them the instruction to “use additional code to identify control” using either:
diabetes mellitus icd 10 E11.65 - Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia The above description is abbreviated. This code description may also have Includes , Excludes , Notes, Guidelines, Examples and other information