how many liters in a kapan chika jkt48 last show A car measures its efficiency in litres per 100 Kilometres L/100km. Our Fuel Consumption Calculator helps you estimate how much fuel a car / motorcycle / truck / bus will use at different distances in kilometres. We often use
how to center a div If you set this property to center in outer div, then all inner elements are horizontally centered. This can also be used to horizontally center div inside another div. #inner width:50%; display:inline-block; #outer text-align: center; In the above code, we set text-align:center property on outer div
how to spin a pen How do you spin an image clip at a fixed rate regardless of its duration? Say you want to rotate an image clip at 360 degrees per second. One obvious solution is to set the duration of the image clip to one second, create a keyframe at the end with a Rotation Angle of 360, and copy-and-paste the clip for the duration you want