HAVE A NICE TRIP:World's Best AI-powered English Speaking App

have a nice trip   good morning have a nice day 29. It was nice meeting you! A polite way to end a conversation. “It was nice meeting you! Have a great trip.” “I hope we meet again. It was nice meeting you!” 30. Where can I exchange money? Ask this to find currency exchange services. “Where can I exchange money near here?” “Can you tell me where the nearest exchange office is?”

arti lagu i have a dream 'I have a dream' toonde Amerika op indringende wijze de schaduwzijde van 'the American dream'. Trefwoorden democratie , verenigde staten , martin luther king , discriminatie , verzet , redevoering , bevrijding , apartheid , dominee , vredesmars , toespraak , slaven , droom , slavernij

have a nice weekend artinya Thank you for the beautiful T-Shirt, I can’t wait to wear it this weekend. terimakasih atas kaosnya, aku gak sabar untuk memakainya di akhir pekan ini. Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you

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