have a great weekend a good day to have an affair Think how much of your weekend revolves around worrying about work, practical tasks and caring for others, then assess how much you enjoyed it - the answer can be scary. For many of us the line between what you ought to be doing and what you like to do becomes blurred, your weekend is a dumping ground for chores with little space for you
have a pleasant day If you have a problem with an answer given by AI monga, help the questioner by giving your own answer! Beta version is available for free! We will gradually improve AI monga's answers and this service. Please stay tuned!
have a nice dreams artinya Hello, nice to meet you. 2. Hi – Salam yang Lebih Santai. Jika Anda mencari cara yang lebih santai untuk menyapa teman atau kolega, "Hi" adalah pilihan yang sempurna. Kata ini lebih casual daripada "Hello," dan sering digunakan dalam pertemuan informal. Anda mungkin akan mendengar banyak orang menggunakan "Hi" dalam percakapan sehari-hari