have a great birthday have a speedy recovery artinya Sending sweet and sincere birthday messages is a good way of letting a person know that you care for them. Whoever they are – a best friend, a sibling, a co-worker – a few words of encouragement are all it takes to put a smile on their faces and have a great birthday
have a good time Direct Ways to Say “Have a Good Day” If you want to be direct and to the point, there are several different ways to say “have a good day” in English. Here are a few options: Have a good day! Enjoy your day! Have a great day! Make it a good day! Wishing you a good day! All of these phrases are straightforward and easy to understand
have a good rest artinya Terimakasih bahasa Inggris – Mengatakan terimakasih merupakan luapan rasa syukur kita terhadap apa yang kita dapatkan. Hal ini dalam bahasa Inggris bisa diutarakan dengan mengatakan “thank you”. Dan ternyata, pernyataan terimakasih memiliki ungkapan yang bervariasi. Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk kuasai materi artikel ini