film winwin kuyhaa filmora Win Win is a 2011 American sports comedy-drama film written, directed, and co-produced by Tom McCarthy from a story by McCarthy and Joe Tiboni. It stars Paul Giamatti as a struggling attorney who, volunteering as a high-school wrestling coach, takes on the guardianship of an elderly client in a desperate attempt to keep his practice afloat
film a legend jackie chan A LEGEND Trailer 2025 Jackie Chan, Gülnezer Bextiyar: A LEGEND Trailer 2025 Jackie Chan,.. News video on One News Page on Thursday, 5 December 2024
film a man called otto Film A Different Man debut perdana di Sundace Film Festival 2024. Dalam premiere itu, film berdurasi 112 menit ini mendapatkan sambutan positif. Dalam Rotten Tomatoes, A Different Man sukses mencetak rating 92 persen dari Tomatometer. Hasil ini diraih dari total 156 ulasan. Sedangkan dari audiens, film ini meraih skor 78 persen. Hasil berbeda