film a frozen flower film mak beti Frozen Fever is a short sequel that was released in early 2015. The short film was teased during The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic by Lasseter. 78 Lee and Buck returned as directors and Del Vecho and Aimee Scribner as producers of the short, featuring a new song by Lopez and Anderson-Lopez
film harus kawin Harus Kawin: With Haico Van Der Veken, Gabriella Ekaputri, Kevin Julio, Junior Roberts. Five friends embark on an adventure to Rabbit Island, a matchmaking paradise, due to family pressure. However, unexpected romantic feelings emerge, jeopardizing their mission to find partners
film kim mu yeol Sebelum Kim Moo Yeol, peran ini sempat jatuh ke tangan Kim Nam Gil, tapi kemudian ditinggalkan sang aktor. Sehari setelah kabar bahwa Kim Nam Gil mendapat tawaran membintangi drakor ini, ia merilis pernyataan yang secara halus menolak, dengan alasan memilih fokus pada drakor anyarnya, The Fiery Priest 2. "Halo, ini Kim Nam Gil