elizabeth tjandra chinese elizabeth christine First Chinese American federal judge in the continental U.S. 457 Elizabeth J. Yalin Tao New York City Civil Court, Housing Part 1994–New York: active 458 459 A. Wallace Tashima: U.S, District Court for the Central District of California 1980–1996; United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 1996–California: active
anak ratu elizabeth 2 Di tengah kehidupannya bersama Pangeran Harry yang semakin membaik, Meghan Markle bersyukur kedua anaknya, Pangeran Archie dan Putri Lilibet tumbuh besar dan mengerti apa yang sedang terjadi saat ini. Dilansir dari Mirror, Selasa 3/12/2024, merayakan Natal bersama keluarga kecilnya pun menjadi momen favorit Meghan
elizabeth pisani Elizabeth is a feminine given name, a variation of the Hebrew name Elisheva אֱלִישֶׁבַע, meaning "My God is an oath" or "My God is abundance", citation needed as rendered in the Septuagint. citation needed