diabetes melitus animasi bekas luka menghitam diabetes Diabetes yang sering dialami yaitu diabetes melitus. Adapun faktor yang menghubungkan diabetes melitus adalah jenis kelamin, umur dan pola makan. Pada pola makan yang terlalu asin biasanya beresiko terkena diabetes militus, sedangkan pola makan yang sering mengonsumsi manis beresiko rendah terkena diabetes militus
diabetes treatment The combination of SGLT-2 inhibitors plus GLP-1 receptor analogues provides a unique approach that taps into the body’s glucose control mechanisms, offering new hope for managing type 2 diabetes. By paving the way for treatments that more completely address the underlying physiology of glucose regulation, this research inaugurates an era
etiologi diabetes melitus pdf Gestational diabetes is formally defined as "any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy". 4 This definition acknowledges the possibility that a woman may have previously undiagnosed diabetes mellitus, or may have developed diabetes coincidentally with pregnancy