demo hari buruh bandung demo buruh di purwakarta Salah satu yang menjadi sorotan demonstran adalah tuduhan terjadinya politik uang. Massa menuding politik uang yang terjadi di Pilkada Kota Tasikmalaya dilakukan secara terstruktur, masif dan sistematis. Hingga lewat tengah hari ini aksi demonstrasi masih terjadi dan mendapatkan pengawalan ketat dari aparat kepolisian
fast spin demo How do you spin an image clip at a fixed rate regardless of its duration? Say you want to rotate an image clip at 360 degrees per second. One obvious solution is to set the duration of the image clip to one second, create a keyframe at the end with a Rotation Angle of 360, and copy-and-paste the clip for the duration you want
demo sit Additionally, a free Kemono Teatime demo is now available on Steam until January 4, 2025. The game’s streaming guidelines were also revealed in a separate blog post. The demo and full game feature English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese language support