chord jkt48 honest man chord the smiths there is a light The Man in the High Castle is an American dystopian alternate history television series created for streaming service Amazon Prime Video, depicting a parallel universe where the Axis powers of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan rule the world after their victory in World War II
seventeen chord jkt48 Anggota tetap atau disebut sebagai Member reguler atau Member inti adalah status formasi utama dari anggota JKT48, setelah dipromosikan dari status siswi pelatihan.Formasi ini dibentuk pada 16 Maret 2021, merupakan gabungan dari 4 formasi sebelumnya yang telah dibubarkan sebagai dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia, yaitu JKT48 Akademi pada 11 Maret 2021, Tim T melalui formasi
i started a joke chord He even finds the time to crack a joke or two: “I had rent to pay … and in order to keep up my lavish lifestyle, I decided to go solo, as people do.” Cameron is straightforward, and his transparency can easily be mistaken for humor; we’re not entirely sure if he’s being honest or just joking around