chord coldplay a sky full of stars kawin kontrak lirik chord An Oak Girl 35. Do Not Fear 36. To My Great 37. Second Row Dear 38. Best 39. Hope 40. Two Rivers 41. Super Dear 42. The Wounded Roe 43. Lavia with a Jay 44. The Poacher 45. Darkness Darkness 46. Railman 47. Lady Ophelia 48. Worth the Wait 49. Just a Scratch 50. Weak and Precious 51. Pump the Love 52. The House Afar 53. Beyond What Was 54. The
a line without a hook chord on December 6, 2024: ""Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery tells a heartfelt story of love and regret. "I am like a fishing line without a hook" – a metaphor about feeling incomplete and empty without someone who gives meaning to life. "I swear I would pull you from the rising tide" – a promise to save someone from the struggles or pain that may be overwhelming them
chordtela just a friend to you 'I’ve resented you, looked down on you, claimed to hate you, but I’ve never said I wasn’t attracted to you' You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an