chord bri syukur chord little bit better Ada banyak tanda yang bisa menunjukkan jika seorang cowok merasa bersyukur memiliki pasangannya saat ini
power chord a Is it correct when the 1st fret of the low E string and the third fret of the A string are played, it is an F power chord? Following that, if the same shape is used down the neck going from fret to fret, are the chord names then: F#, G, Ab G#, A, Bb A#, B, C, C#, D, Eb D#, E, F?
a minor chord guitar The 4th in this case is G, the 4th of the D major scale. The G replaces the 3rd F#, meaning sus chords are neither major nor minor; it’s all about which chord you resolve to afterwards that’s where the ‘suspended’ part comes from. Resolving to D major sounds a bit like The Who, while resolving to D minor sounds a bit like Bach