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chord noel gallagher if i had a gun They were definitely the guitar band McGee had always wanted, turning out singles like his '60s and '70s heroes, but putting a fresh face on them just in time to lead in the new Britpop movement
chord itsumo nando demo 永遠同在,在千與千尋中,擅長民謠的木村弓以她對日本民族音樂的領悟,創作了堪稱精華的片尾曲永遠同在,歌曲主要可分爲前後兩大部分。 中文版與你同在是國語配音版電影千與千尋的片尾曲,歌詞經過二次創作,適合用中文演唱。 千與千尋主題曲—永遠同在,內心深處的呼喚介紹:日文名:いつも何度でも英文名:alwayswithme製作組:作曲:木村弓作詞:覺和歌子主唱:木村弓此曲爲千與千尋的結尾曲,而木村弓也因爲主唱此曲而爲中國觀衆所熟悉。 在千與千尋中,擅長民謠的木村弓以她對日本民族音