better on bedrock addon lirik kiss it better Minecraft Bedrock has been updated to 1.21.50 and there are a number of changes of note for Add-On creators. The following features do not require experimental toggles
how to sleep better Similar to walnuts, fatty fish is most famous for how it aids in cognition. And similar to walnuts, it can also help you sleep. The same good oil that makes your brain perform better also leads to quality sleep. "The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish can be helpful in boosting serotonin which can help to regulate sleep," explains Lu. Science
better render dragon Thankfully the render came out of RenderMan very nicely and it didn't need much fixing in compositing. I decided to use photoshop because I have known this tool for a long time and I’m pretty comfortable with it. The background consists in a simple soft background gradient with adjusted light and shadow contrasts on the dragon