better better life artinya The better AI becomes, the more we need to step up, stay curious, and take ownership of the creative process. The choice—and the opportunity—rests with us. Share. Tweet. Share. Email
u deserve better artinya At a time when our planet’s very survival hangs in the balance, eco-literature gives voice to theEarth’s deepest wounds and highest hopes. As fragile ecosystems teeter on the brink, these stirring stories, essays, and poems join voices worldwide to shout: our planet deserves better, and we must do better
arti lagu life better on saturn Dalam sebuah forum chat dengan penggemar, ia membocorkan potongan lirik lagu selama 25 detik, yang berbunyi, "Stupid words, lot of bad jokes, Angel hearts and a cute name, Hate that I can remember, Every evil thing you say." Menurut pengakuannya, lagu ini ditulisnya pada tahun 2023 lalu