anime totoro foto anime inisial a Learn about the 1988 animated film by Hayao Miyazaki, set in post-war rural Japan, where two sisters encounter friendly wood spirits. Find out the plot, characters, production, legacy, media, and more of this classic anime
anime winter 2020 For this list, we'll be looking at the new releases and sequel series that popped up during the winter season of 2020, ones that did away with the chill and kicked off the new year in style!
pp anime sepak bola PEMBRITABOGOR.COM - Hari ini, KONAMI Digital Entertainment Limited KONAMI resmi mengumumkan kolaborasi terbaru mereka dengan serial komik sepak bola legendaris “Captain Tsubasa” dalam game sepak bola populer, eFootball. Melalui kolaborasi ini, penggemar eFootball dan “Captain Tsubasa” dapat menikmati berbagai fitur menarik