anatomy of a fall anatomy of a murder Anatomy of a Fall is a Netflix original film directed by Fred Riner and Seth Jayson Kearsley, released in 2021. The movie follows the story of four friends, Mike, Zoe, Lydia, and Domenic, who share a deep and intense friendship. The film explores themes of grief, trauma, and the complexities of human relationships. Summary of the Movie
cast of anatomy of a fall 落下の解剖学の映画情報。3188件のネタバレレビュー・ストーリー・内容・結末・解説。ジュスティーヌ・トリエ監督
nonton anatomy of a fall ‘Anatomy of a Fall’ Oscar winner Justine Triet reflects on 2023-24 awards trail and reveals she has two projects on the boil: “I am so happy to get back to work. I’m in the writing process…