ADIDAS X HAVE A GOOD TIME:The Greatest Adidas Samba Collaborations of All Time, Ranked

adidas x have a good time   zalora adidas samba Case in point is this release from LA-based brand Pleasures with the adidas Consortium brand, where embroidering your name on this iconic canvas of a sneaker probably wouldn’t be green lit today. And not to bolster nostalgia for simpler times, but the collab did go for 0 at retail. Released: March 2020

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adidas samba have a good time Is the Adidas Samba still trendy in 2025? It’s an easy gun to sound that the Samba is past its use by date some are eyeing the Puma Speedcat as its successor, yet it’s another slim sneaker reaching its peak in 2023. Though if there’s a unit of measurement to test the relevance of the shoe, it’s collabs

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