winter in turkey download winter memories But now, yes, we are officially in winter mode! The Month Of Remembrance. Both in Turkey and in the UK, November is, of course, the month where we have significant days of remembrance. Commemoration Of The Passing Of Atatürk. On 10th November, we commemorate the passing of the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
winter schnee Der angekündigte Sturm am Nikolaustag und Samstag 7. Dezember leitet einen Wetterumschwung ein. Zwar sinken die Temperaturen spürbar, doch der Schnee bleibt vielerorts aus. Die südlichen und
true winter color palette Winter weddings offer a magical opportunity to play with color palettes that exude warmth and elegance amidst the season's chill. This year, inspiring winter color trends include ivy green paired with neutral coffee tones, create a woodland feeling while shades of frosty blue evoke a wintry wonderland. For a modern touch, dusty pink and buttery