what causes diabetes what is a hamster Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by an inability to make or use the hormone insulin. Insulin is needed by cells to metabolize glucose, the body's main source of chemical energy. Type I diabetes, also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, is usually caused by an autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing cells
what is a verb Understanding Verbs in Grammar Definitions of the Types of Verbs What are Action Verbs? Action verbs represent physical or mental actions performed by the subject. They convey activity and can include verbs such as run, think, and discuss. Understanding Linking Verbs Linking
what is a pronoun The relative pronouns “who” and “whom” are specifically used for people, but they often trip up English learners and native speakers alike. It’s essential to know the difference between the two to ensure grammatical accuracy in both writing and speaking. The pronoun “who” is used as the subject of a clause. It performs the action