vct champions 2024 vct madrid schedule Since Riot takes 50 percent of the revenue from digital goods, that means that players spent roughly .6 million in total on VCT-themed digital goods. The digital goods in question refer to two primary items: VCT partner team capsules and the Champions bundle
vct champions Regarding the VCT 2024 season, Riot Games introduced a new VCT bundle within the game. It consisted of a skin for a classic, a gun buddy with the team’s logo, and a player card made by the team. They also announced that the VALORANT Champions 2024 bundle revenue would be split into 60 equal parts. From these 60 parts, the 16 teams that
vct champions seoul VCT 2024 Seoul ini pun pecahkan rekor liga Valorant dengan 9.1 juta peak view, dan 44.3 juta unique viewer. Bahkan lebih dari 40 tim pun berpartisipasi untuk esports Valorant via Premier. 78.4 Juta USD telah dibagikan kepada tim, penyelenggara, dan developer, dimana 44.3 Juta USD di antaranya berasal dari digital goods