vct champions 2023 vct champions seoul China had an incredible first year since officially launching VALORANT in July 2023. In less than two years, the region has established its own league, VCT CN, alongside the other three international leagues, hosted an international event in Shanghai, and capped off the year with a world championship victory, as mentioned earlier
vct champions Florescent is the first woman to transfer from the Game Changers circuit to the VALORANT Champions Tour VCT, a Tier 1 tournament event at the highest level of VALORANT competition
vct madrid schedule VCT は VALORANT の 世界最強チーム を決める 大規模公式大会。 正式名称 「VALORANT Champions Tour」の頭文字を取って 「VCT」 と呼ばれる。 また、出場チームは以下の4大会から構成される。 Apex Legends大会ALGSチャンピオンシップ順位… VALORANTsinatraa シナトラ選手の感度・設…