mood swing arti mood swing adalah bahasa gaul Signs that mood swings might point to a mood disorder Differentiating between normal mood swings and symptoms of a mental health condition can be challenging. Taking this 20-question mood disorder self-assessment can help you track the symptoms and intensity of your mood swings. If managing your mood swings feels overwhelming, help is available
mood swing itu apa Ilustrasi mood swing. Foto: Shutterstock – Mood swing yang terjadi selama sindrom pramenstruasi PMS adalah salah satu gejala psikologis paling umum yang dialami oleh wanita pada fase luteal siklus menstruasi. Studi menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 30-40% wanita usia reproduksi mengalami PMS dengan berbagai tingkat keparahan
a little mood for love Here’s how to create a romantic atmosphere by catering to the five senses and elevate the experience. Date night at home is inexpensive and convenient, especially when you have kids