LL/A KODE IPHONE MANA:Models - The Apple Wiki

ll/a kode iphone mana   ll/a kode iphone For example, let's say our model number is " MC922LL/A ". The first letter is already " M ", so we leave it alone. Next, we remove the "region" portion and everything after the " LL/A " at the end leaving us with " MC922 ". A "find-in-page" reveals this is a black 16 GiB iPhone 4S

iphone ll/a Tourists can bring their devices, so if you're planning an exotic holiday in Indonesia, you'll be fine. Apple isn't particularly happy about the situation, so they promised to invest 0 million nice little sum in Indonesia if the country ends the iPhone 16 sales ban. The idea is to build an accessory and component plant, but that won't fly

nomor seri iphone ll/a Anda dapat menemukan nomor seri pada pengaturan perangkat, di bagian General, kemudian pilih About. Setelah itu, Anda bisa mengunjungi situs resmi Apple untuk memvalidasi nomor tersebut. Jika perangkat tersebut terdaftar dan semua informasi sesuai, kemungkinan besar iPhone tersebut asli. Periksa Fisik Perangkat

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