james a naismith james arthur a year ago Basketball originates from Dr. James Naismith who was an instructor and graduate student at Springfield College. In the winter of 1891 he invented Basketball in the gymnasium at Springfield in order to provide offseason, indoor conditioning to young athletes
a thousand years james arthur makna I usually gen worlds to 50 years initially to check for sites and if i find something interesting, i re-run the same gen for 250 years to play on. Longer gens have the advantage of having more history, giving your 'story' more background, but also has a higher chance of races becoming extinct
lirik a year ago james arthur By entering 13 or any number of days from the past, it will give you the exact date and related results. What is 0 days ago? The answer is Saturday, December 7, 2024. It is the week 49 of the total 52 weeks of the year. It also marks the day 342 out of 366 days of the year