IT'S KIND OF A FUNNY STORY:10 Times Gary Larson Made the Mundane Absolutely Hilarious with

it's kind of a funny story   it's a wrap arti Many Far Side comic strips show extremely outlandish or surreal situations, so it's an unexpected deviation when the more mundane aspects of life are on display. However, this is The Far Side, so even the comic strips with mundane subject matter are turned on their head and dialed up to eleven, made outrageous and otherworldly enough to fit in

it's kind of a funny story "It’s All Gone Pear-Shaped" Meaning: Something has gone wrong or turned out badly. Example: “Our vacation plans went pear-shaped when our flight got canceled.” Origin: This idiom likely comes from British aviation slang, where a perfectly round maneuver gone wrong would resemble a pear’s shape. 3. "As Happy as a Clam" Meaning:

arti it's been a while Mengimbau seseorang untuk beristirahat adalah cara sopan menunjukkan kepedulian. Kalimat ini memberi pesan agar mereka memprioritaskan istirahat demi pemulihan tubuh yang lebih cepat. Contoh: “You’ve been working so hard lately. Please get some rest and take care of yourself.” Artinya: “Kamu

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