IT'S BEEN A LONG DAY:「It’s been a long day」の意味・使い方・会話例・関連フレーズを紹介 | ごがくねこ

it's been a long day   it's a wrap arti It’s been a long day. (うん、大丈夫だよ。今日は長い一日だった) 使われている英単語について解説します。 It’s: 「It is」の短縮形で、「それは」を意味します。 been: 「be動詞」の過去分詞形で、「〜だった」という意味を表します。 a: 一つの物や事を指す

it's been a while artinya Sometimes it stop for a while... and there will be other explotion. But after explotion, i learned my lesson. It’s okay.- Do you want to say something for him? I do have something to tell him. But it doesn’t matter. Never matter. Never will be. It doesn’t change anything. So i will keep it myself.- it’s okay. Does it change the way you

it's kind of a funny story Humor and science fiction may seem like an unlikely pairing, but when done well, the combination can be out of this world. Whether it's poking fun at the absurdities of the future or adding a lighthearted touch to a heavy subject, a dash of humor can elevate a science fiction story to new heights

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