have a sweet dreams artinya havers slot “Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Ketakutan membunuh lebih banyak mimpi daripada kegagalan. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Satu-satunya hal yang harus kita takuti adalah ketakutan itu sendiri. “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Keraguan membunuh lebih banyak mimpi daripada kegagalan.
have a fabulous birthday artinya Happy Birthday to MDdiver, TreasureKelly, Rainbow Mermaid, Scubachatt - posted in The Birthday Club: Sending lots of HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to all of you for a really fabulous birthday!!
have a nice day jawabannya 3. She has a really nice weekend on Saturday and Sunday. 4. Each day she has a different subject to learn. 5. On Monday, she usually has Maths, Bahasa Indonesia, and Natural Science. 6. On Thursday the subjects as same as the Monday. 7. On Tuesday, she learned Religious Education, Social Sciences, and a local language. 8