DEMO DI MEDAN HARI INI:Hari Buruh, Puluhan Karyawan Shell di Medan Demo Tuntut ... -

demo di medan hari ini   akun demo x500 Puluhan karyawan Shell menggelar demonstrasi di sekitar Makam Pahlawan, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Kota Medan. Pada momen Hari Buruh ini, mereka menuntut agar pihak Shell Indonesia memberikan kepastian soal pesangon

server demo By default, a webpage works in request and response mode. The client sends a request to the server and receives the response. What if the data changed dynamically in the server, let’s say by some other user and the client application should show the same to other users in real-time? Ex. Chat apps

gaming world demo Prologue: Go Wayback! is an open-world survival game coming in 2025, and Preface: Undiscovered World is a free tech demo for creating planet-sized worlds available now. PUBG creator Brendan Greene, best known as PlayerUnknown, has shared updates on his new projects, Prologue: Go Wayback! and Preface: Undiscovered World

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